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Chief consultant, Jongseong Park

마이데이터 서비스 컨설팅의 대표

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Minister of Public Administration and Security Award

2023 Digital Government Service Idea Contest

- Data: Financial My Data

- Value: Reduction of work for public officials, reduction of local government budget,   Private business profitability

- Features: Public-private collaboration my data business model


Minister of Public Administration and Security Award

2021 Public My Data Citizen Participation Contest

Winner: Health field, relationship proof data service for proxy prescriptions

-Data: Public My Data

-Value: Utility of my data in the medical sector

​-Feature: Discovering new service markets according to institutional and regulatory changes


Excellence Award

2023 ‘Challenge. ‘Safe Society Contest’

- Data: Public My Data

- Value: Personalization, use of preventive digital education content in the public sector

- Features: My data and internal data and content utilization service concept


My Data New Business Accelerator

MyData service consulting is, in a word, ' MyData new business accelerator '. Before a request is made from a client, service and business model planning related to MyData's new revenue service is done in advance and then proposed to the client so that the client can launch MyData within one month. We help you start a new service/business. We are exploring partnership partners with organizations that would like to collaborate further and voluntarily suggesting related business items. ​We also provide educational content so that customers can discover My Data services on their own. Is my data service not working? Are you tired of Starbucks coupon marketing? Find hints in the story below.

This is a story that appears on page 144 of the book Demand (People who knew the world's demand in advance) published in 2011.

In the 1990s, CareMore Medical Group, an American geriatric healthcare provider, discovered that one-third of elderly patients miss their doctor's appointments. Doctor Charles Holzner explains. "About 40 percent of the elderly we managed were elderly people who lived alone. They had no one to take care of them, and not only could they not drive...<omitted> even if they were supposed to see a doctor regularly, they couldn't make appointments. “There were many cases where we could not keep it.” CareMore presented a unique, non-traditional idea. The plan was to provide free transportation to patients when their medical appointment was scheduled. CareMore covered all transportation costs, but was able to save more money in the long run.

“Non- traditional solutions and
“Healthcare data collection story #1”

MyData related story illustration.Solution bus - Hellmore's case


This was because if medical and healthcare services were provided regularly and consistently, simple problems could be diagnosed and treated early, complex and difficult situations could be avoided, and the frequency of hospitalization could be reduced. The idea of providing free transportation to patients is not something most doctors would consider, and focusing on non-medical conditions that might harm patients is not a subject taught in medical school . Therefore, Jinberg (founder of Caremore Group) and his colleagues had to step forward and change the old thinking habits that had been formed over decades in order to at least recognize, if not solve, those problems.

​If the patient is unable to come to the hospital, transportation services (non-medical services) must be provided first before medical services.

My Data service will not work if consent to data provision is not obtained from the customer.

In the My Data service, before analyzing data, the priority is to discover services where customers are willing to provide data.

So, the following services and content


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